Our very large Womens Caucus in 2020--the year I was President of the Caucus.
My House Republican women friends -- all nine of us, in my second term.
I'm with Speaker Jones and now-retired Maj. Gen. Linda Singh, first woman and African American to command the Maryland National Guard.
My House Republican women friends -- there were 11 of us in my first term!
This august group with whom I'm lunching is the Womens Foundation created to fundraise for the Womens Caucus. I'm between former Senator Gloria Lawlah and former County Executive, Eileen Rehrman. Former First Lady, Frances Glendenning, is at the end on the left.
The Howard County Caucus didn't always agree on issues, but we had one of the best and most professional delegations in the legislature.
Sitting and talking with Howard County's renowned, Millie Bailey was an honor, shortly before the entire House celebrated her 100th birthday.
Governor Hogan kept State spending under control; not an insignificant feat with a supermajority legislature.
It was so COOL having our own Boyd Rutherford as Lt. Governor. What a really good guy - far too good to be a politician!
High school students apply to serve as a Page for a week during Session. I try to welcome every Howard County Page.
The whole Howard Delegation gathers around to celebrate the Howard County Teacher of the Year!
Serving on the Judiciary Committee under the leadership of Chair Joe Vallerio was a real pleasure. It was a nice group that cared about each other. Here, we are celebrating our Chairman's birthday.
Campaigns allowed me to meet a great many wonderful people
In 2022, Jenny (Jianning) Zeng was my running mate and no one worked harder than she did.
On the left, my #1 campaign volunteer, Claudia Fochios. Next to her is Anna Selbrede, our 2019 Intern (and former School Board Student Member). And finally, on the right, is Chelsea Leigh Murphy, the best Legislative Aide/Chief of Staff in the Legislature!
Fundraisers opened the door to even more opportunities to meet people. Steven Keller, former administrator of Howard County Neighbors United, was a valued supporter, as was Jen Nussbaum.