On Wednesday morning, February 3rd, at 8:30 am, the Howard County Delegation will meet in Annapolis to vote on whether or not to sponsor,as local legislation, two bills that will affect the County School system.
The first bill would change the manner of electing the school board from at-large to electing five of the seven members by district and the other two at-large. The second bill strengthens the rights of parents to access information from the school system under the Public Information act (PIA).
Both of these bills have been heard by the public, and the Howard County Delegation discussed the bills at its meeting this past Wednesday morning.
In order to pass, each bill must have a favorable vote both by a majority of the House members of the delegation (at least 2 out of 3), as well as a majority of the Senate members of the delegation (at least 5 out of 9).
If you are interested, you are welcome to come to the meeting in Annapolis. This meeting is not a hearing, and the public will not have an opportunity to participate. Nonetheless, if you are interested in coming to the meeting to observe, you are more than welcome.
from News from Annapolis: Week 11, 2016
Extra Spending for Baltimore City Schools
For years and years, the State has been pouringmoney into the Baltimore City schools -- without finding any noticeable improvement! Today, the City spends $16,578 PER PUPIL - more than any other county in the State other than Worchester
Teacher salaries are also higher in Baltimore City than in any other jurisdiction in the State (to the extent comparable).
The chart to the right shows the minimum and maximum teach salaries for each of the 23 counties and Baltimore City.
Both the minimum salary of $47,950 is the highest in the State. The maximum salary for any Baltimore City teacher not possessing a Masters or Doctorate degree is $101,814 -- far above the maximum salaries for similarly situated teachers in all of the other jurisdictions. Only Howard County, at $93,427 comes close to the City salary for teachers with the Standard Professional Certification or with an Advanced Professional Certificate.
Source: Maryland State Department of Education, Division of curriculum, Assessment, and Accountabiity, "Professional Salary Schedules, Maryland Public Schools, 2014-2015